

加入积极分子的行列, 成功的, 欢迎具有全球影响力的开拓者和领袖组成的社区.

We’re an inclusive and supportive community where highly respected faculty guide graduate students to learn, 探索, 建立成功和充实的事业和生活. 我们美丽的湾区校园坐落在莫拉加连绵起伏的群山中, 在旧金山以东23英里处. Our faculty and alumni connections with tech companies and more throughout Silicon Valley ensures our students tremendous opportunities for professional growth. 我们提供小班教学,教授知道学生的名字. 这是圣玛丽大学在美国大学中占有一席之地的几个原因.S. 新闻 & 《十大网赌平台》列出了西方地区排名前五的大学. 






1. 通过通用应用程序免费申请



2. 通过圣玛丽申请者状态页面上传你的非官方成绩单 或者让你的高中辅导员把正式成绩单寄到 smcadmit@flcoastline.com. 出于招生审查的目的,我们可以使用非官方成绩单, 然而,一旦被录取,将需要一份正式成绩单.



3. 检查你的申请状态
提交申请后48小时内, 您将收到一封电子邮件,以登录您的SMC申请人状态页面.









在候选人身上寻找的主要品质是他们的智力准备, 他们目的的严肃性, 以及他们的道德操守. The school record is considered the most reliable measure of potential college ability. 然而, extracurricular accomplishments may strengthen an application insofar as they indicate special talents, 毅力, 和成熟.

入学申请将以个人为基础进行审查, and minor deficiencies in preparation may be waived if justified by superior marks, 考试成绩, 和建议.

All 成功的 applicants are expected to complete at least 16 units of secondary school course work that will include the following:

  • 4年英语
  • 3 years of Mathematics (algebra, advanced algebra or the equivalent, and geometry)*
  • 2年学习同一门外语
  • 2年理科(至少一个实验室)*
  • 2年的社会研究(至少1年的美国.S. 历史)

*Students who plan to major in a science or mathematics are expected to show particular strength in their scientific and mathematical preparation.


Academic grade requirements for admission will conform to the recommendations of the guidelines as set forth by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 美国大学注册和招生官员协会, 和国家指数.

  • 需要提供原始的正式成绩单. If the transcript is not in English, a certified English translation is required.
  • Any period of the four-year high school record not reflected on the American high school transcript must be sent from all schools attended abroad.
  • Cumulative academic performance when translated into grade point averages must minimally be 3.0对4.0规模. 某些系统的成绩不能等效地翻译为4.0规模; in such cases, Saint Mary’s admissions staff will include a narrative to assist with the admission decision.
  • Official college transcripts are required for all students who have attended any post-secondary school. Applicants must list each college they’ve attended on the application for admission and official transcripts must be provided from each institution attended. 仅凭公证人的印章并不能使成绩单正式生效. Students transferring from universities in other countries must also provide a professional course-by-course credit evaluation of their educational transcript or credentials.


代替参加英语水平考试, applicants can submit SAT or 行为 scores as long as the score in the English subsection meets the minimum requirements as outlined below.


托福考试 79年应付托福考试 & 每项分数必须在19分或更高
雅思考试 6.5或以上
Duolingo 105度或更高
剑桥 C1级或以上
ELS语言中心,112级 2.75 GPA或以上
坐在R 基于证据的阅读和写作部分达到450分或更高
行为 21岁或以上




推荐信不需要,但鼓励. We advise giving your counselor or teacher ample time to submit the letter of recommendation by the postmark deadline. 信件可以由推荐人通过通用申请直接发送, 通过邮政邮件, 或电邮至 smcadmit@flcoastline.com.


Students must have completed at least 23 transferable semester credit hours and minimally cumulative grade point averages of 2.5对4.在美国大学机构的表现0级. 以前在美国以外的大学水平的工作.S. 必须至少等于3吗.0对4.当与4分没有直接关系时,得分为0分或高于平均水平.0规模.


  • 正在就读或从其他美国大学转学的学生.S. colleges or universities must meet the same English proficiency requirements as international students applying from abroad.
  • Transfer applicants must show evidence of being in good immigration status by submitting the SEVIS Transfer Form and accompanying documents upon submitting the enrollment deposit to Saint Mary's.

International Transfer Students Attending a College or University Outside of the U.S.

Submit a professional transfer credit evaluation for all Colleges or Universities attended outside of the U.S.,其中应包括:

  • 课程内容说明
  • 课程单元说明
  • 每季度/学期/其他每门课程的学时数
  • 解释使用的分级系统

Credit for coursework completed at collegiate institutions in other nations that are English-based and patterned after the American community college system will be evaluated for credit on a course-by-course basis. Current programs include Kolej Damansara Utama and the HELP 研究院 in Malaysia; Taylor’s College Malaysia, 中国, 新加坡, and Thailand; INTI College Malaysia, 印尼, 和中国, 在新加坡的中美教育中心.

Saint Mary’s College welcomes students who have challenged themselves in the classroom by taking Honors, 大学先修课程(AP), 或国际文凭(IB)课程. Accepted students will have the opportunity to transfer credits earned through examinations in AP or IB courses. The College grants up to a full year of college credit for AP examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board or higher-level IB courses.

了解更多AP信息 & IB

Once you have placed your enrollment deposit at Saint Mary's, you can begin the process of 申请你的F-1学生签证. 提交入学保证金后, you will be able to upload the required documents for your Certificate of Eligibility Form I-20 on your applicant status page.

After you have uploaded the required documents and they are approved, you will be issued an I-20. I-20, you will be able to complete the F-1 visa application and arrange a visa appointment at your local US Embassy or Consulate.


  • 填妥并签署的财务证明书
  • 护照复印件
  • 财务文件复印件



美国.S. Department of State requires students to prove their financial ability to cover the first year of academic study at Saint Mary's College of California. 学院需要核实你的财务资源.

为此,您必须填写财务证明表格. This form must be completed and signed by the student and any financial sponsor that the student will use to fund their studies at Saint Mary's College of California.

为了收到十大正规网赌平台的I-20,需要这份文件. The estimated cost of attendance on the Certificate of Finances form does not cover living expenses for the summer vacation period, 往返校园的交通费, 或者签证申请费.

作为F-1学生签证持有人,学生无权在美国工作.S. 特殊情况除外. Do not include anticipated campus employment as part of your financial documentation.

仅限转学生:  通过申请人状态页面提交F-1学生SEVIS转学表. 如果你是从另一个美国转过来的.S. 机构,完成 F-1 SEVIS转移表 还有你现在的F-1签证复印件和你现在的I-20签证复印件.



十大正规网赌平台为国际学生提供许多奖学金, 奖金从2美元到10美元不等,000 to $29,000. 了解更多关于这些伟大的经济援助机会.


电话: (925)-631-4224
传真:(925)376 - 7193
电子邮件: smcadmit@flcoastline.com
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 星期一至星期五
1928 St. 玛丽的道路
PMB 4800